Tag: News

  • mintCast 356 – Forced-o-Matic Updates

    First up, in our Wanderings, I’ve upgraded my ears, Joe fixes everything, Moss gets ready to attack a monster, Tony Hughes takes a walk with tools, Josh is getting NAS-ty, and Mike weeps over wifi woes.
    Then, in the News, SteamLink is on Linux, Mageia 8 is out, and Brave Searches for itself.
    In Security, LastPass tracks you.

  • mintCast 355 – Deferred Update (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, Mike shreds a new axe, I’m more and more impressed by Proton, Joe has frozen joints, Moss is going to be rich someday, Tony Hughes gets immunities, and Josh panics with a crowbar. 
    Then, in the News, so much controversy, Linux on Mars, VLC on the moon, Mint and mintCast make the cut, and more
    In Security, patch Mint, patch the kernel, patch your browser

  • mintCast 355 – Deferred Update

    First up, in our Wanderings, Mike shreds a new axe, I’m more and more impressed by Proton, Joe has frozen joints, Moss is going to be rich someday, Tony Hughes gets immunities, and Josh panics with a crowbar. 
    Then, in the News, so much controversy, Linux on Mars, VLC on the moon, Mint and mintCast make the cut, and more
    In Security, patch Mint, patch the kernel, patch your browser

  • mintCast 354 – sudo make me an update (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, I find a new box, Joe’s light as a feather, Moss explodes a DDE, and Bo hosts his own email
    Then, in the News, a Linux Mint update, Ubuntu loses the lead, Wayland changes, and some new releases
    In Security, time to patch… again.

  • mintCast 354 – sudo make me an update

    First up, in our Wanderings, I find a new box, Joe’s light as a feather, Moss explodes a DDE, and Bo hosts his own email
    Then, in the News, a Linux Mint update, Ubuntu loses the lead, Wayland changes, and some new releases
    In Security, time to patch… again.

Linux Mint

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