Tag: Google

  • mintCast 342 – Security Theater (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, I’ve been testing out a new keyboard, Tony Hughes tries to remove a finger (again), Joe has been soldering and reading, Moss has been adding more distros,
    Then, in our news, Pinta, Lutris and Mozilla
    In security, we talk security recommendations and the NSA

  • mintCast 342 – Security Theater

    First up, in our Wanderings, I’ve been testing out a new keyboard, Tony Hughes tries to remove a finger (again), Joe has been soldering and reading, Moss has been adding more distros,
    Then, in our news, Pinta, Lutris and Mozilla
    In security, we talk security recommendations and the NSA

  • mintCast 323 – Ok, Beta

    First up, in our Wanderings, Leo Goes Upstream, Moss fights frustration by installing Sabayon again, Tony Hughes grapples with Gnome3, Joe fixes some keyboards, and Tony Watts plays on Proton
    Then, in our news, Linux Mint has a new update, System76 builds its own laptops, Kali goes undercover, the new 5.4 Kernel, and more!
    In security, we talk D-Link remote access.

  • mintCast 323 – Ok, Beta (mp3)

    First up, in our Wanderings, Leo Goes Upstream, Moss fights frustration by installing Sabayon again, Tony Hughes grapples with Gnome3, Joe fixes some keyboards, and Tony Watts plays on Proton
    Then, in our news, Linux Mint has a new update, System76 builds its own laptops, Kali goes undercover, the new 5.4 Kernel, and more!
    In security, we talk D-Link remote access.

  • mintCast 320 – Sudos and Sudon’ts

    This is the new group’s official 1 year anniversary (apart from Josh :D)
    First up, in our Wanderings, I play with audio, Moss tries out two new System76 laptops, Josh has been oggcamping, Joe’s been headphoning, And Tony has been updating a laptop for a friend.
    Then, in our news we talk about Ubuntu, Google’s most disappointing pixel yet (the Pixel 4), Linux Mint’s gaming ability, and the releases of Freespire, Tails and Trident.
    Finally, in security, we talk sudo.

Linux Mint

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