mintCast 258 – Predictions and the future of mintCast




Main Topic:

  • Rob and Isaac see how well they did with their 2016 predictions and then offer some predictions for the new year
  • Talk about the new direction for MintCast and what to expect from MintCast in 2017

Tips & Websites:

Pre-Show Music:

Podcast Announcements:

  • No announcements

More Information:

Hosts: Rob, Scott, Joe and Isaac
Live Stream every other Sunday 2:00 p.m.(Central):

Contact Us:

More Linux Mint info: website, blog, forums, community


Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( Podcast bumpers provided by Oscar.

9 Replies to “mintCast 258 – Predictions and the future of mintCast”

  1. Will

    I think the new direction for the show could be a great idea (let’s see how well you execute it — it seems challenging), and I look forward to seeing how it turns out. I agree with you that there are a lot of Linux podcasts that go over the same topics. I don’t listen to all of them because of that reason. I mainly listen to MintCast, Linux Luddites/Late Night Linux, Linux Unplugged, and Ubuntu Podcast. That’s the order that I found out about them and I had a hard time getting in to the Ubuntu Podcast because of the overlap with those other ones I was listening to (Martin Wimpress has helped separate it some for me). I have listened to others like Linux Action Show, Linux Voice, Sunday Morning Linux Review, and systemau. They are good too but hearing people discuss the same news story for the seventh time is just too much for me.

  2. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    New Direction – I think after around 2 yrs on you need to have a look at what you’re doing, anyway. A fresh way of doing mintcast is no bad thing. Thanks Rob and Isaac. I look forward to the next show.

  3. Pieter from Brisbane Australia

    Yes, I am ready for this!
    I have dabbled with a couple of distros but Mint is still the one for me, so keeping updated with the Mint news is why I listen. I also enjoy the banter, the various items you uncover in the weeds, and how you present the topics.
    Even though I’m an Aussie I relate to you guys, well Rob anyway, from an age perspective and share your enthusiasm.
    It would be good for the focus to still be on Mint, from the point of view that learning more about Linux will help me understand what makes Mint what it is and why it’s different to the others. Maybe that could be an epilogue to the ‘Linux from Scratch’ journey we are about to embark on?
    I’m buckling in!

  4. Freddie

    Hi Guys,

    I have just listened to the latest show, and as always really enjoyed the podcast.

    On the subject of building Linux from scratch I recently dived into a build and have some advice which may smooth your paths.

    Firstly blfs is not linear. After building lfs you should decide on a set of functionality and figure out what will be needed. This is a big task!

    I have made some notes, and got lfs working with uefi for the get go with “minor”deviation from the lfs base. If you feel that this might be of use please let me know.

    Keep up the good work!


  5. mikef90000

    Very glad to hear you after the holidays! Whatever it takes to keep from being burned out is OK by me.
    @Isaac – I’ve had good luck with Debian (SolydX) until recently. For my old laptop I obtained a inexpensive (Ralink based) 802.11n USB dongle that Mint and Ubuntu supported immediately but I cannot get SolydX to load a driver for it. Arrggh.
    Y’all keep bringing up the subject of sudo not working. Didn’t you read my previous comments? If you don’t need command granularity, just add your (admin) username to the proper predefined group; in Ubuntu it’s ‘sudo’ and fedora it is ‘wheel’ IIRC. No editing of /etc/sudoers required!

  6. Sgt MacBear aka Jack Dennahower

    Greetings from an Old Coot 1st Class. I am game for any project that exercises my brain. Use it or lose it ye ken. I won’t be able to heckle from the peanut galley (IRC) for the next couple of months due to other commitments, but will be listening when iPodder delivers your transmissions.

    I bailed out of G+ so this is my posting site of choice.

    Say hi to the gang for me.

  7. mikef90000

    Hey Rip Van Winkle, er guys. Just finished listening to episode 258 and heard your Adobe Flash woes. Lots has been happening in the last six months, namely Adobe has restarted upgrades to the Linux version! Also IIRC Adobe will eventually resume packaging it standalone and Google will phase out inclusion of ‘pepperflash’ in its Chrome installer. In the meantime, download the Flash beta from Adobe Labs at Brief installation instructions:
    – if not using chromium, uninstall the pepperflashplugin-nonfree (ppapi) package
    – uninstall the ancient flashplugin (npapi) packages used by Firefox
    – download the appropriate 32 (!) or 64 bit player and extract to some directory
    – copy (npapi) to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/, works for Firefox v50.1.0 64 bit
    – copy (ppapi) to /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/, works for Opera and Vivaldi 64 bit
    HW acceleration and DRM are not guaranteed to work, subject to use of specific features by some providers *cough*TimeWarnerCable*
    Seems to work fine for the usual thousands of Flash infested news media sites, YMMV.


  8. John

    Your idea for a new direction sounds excellent – it really plays to your strengths. I agree that having everybody doing “the news” is redundant. If you have to read and study up to get a news segment ready for the podcast, maybe you’re not close enough to the action…
    On the other hand, the kind of reading and studying up you did for the grepsedawk episode was great. This seems like something you guys were cut out do to. And although the idea of Linux from Scratch really gets my juices flowing, I know that I would never actually do this – it just sounds like too much for me to bite off all at once. So now I get to participate vicariously. Perfect for a lazy old fart like me! I will definitely be following along!

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