mintCast 158: Foss – Doomed or Dominating?

Listen: mintcast158.mp3 or mintcast158.ogg


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The Main Topic:


  • How to install .sh and .bin files on Linux Mint – shamelessly stolen from Tim Lawless over at the Linux Mint G+ community. (Link )

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco ( The podcastโ€™s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

12 Replies to “mintCast 158: Foss – Doomed or Dominating?”

  1. lars

    Audio only 24 minutes long… this isn’t the first time this happens, a tip would be to actually check the length of the audio after posting… should not be that hard. otherwise, great podcast!

    • scott

      This is the way my week has been going. I checked every link in the show notes, and verified that the ogg and mp3 had been uploaded. I didn’t check that they had uploaded properly though, and it appears that the upload failed about 1/2 way through. I will get this straightened out within the hour. Sorry about that.

      – Scott

  2. lars

    Mintcast and Linux Outlaws are the best podcasts about linux, keep up the good work! Thanks for the quick response.

  3. Bill_MI

    This is in the category of “be nice to scripting addicted listeners.” Out of 158 episodes, #156 and #158 uniquely have C in mintcast$episode.mp3 upper case. Shamefully, I don’t have the data for ogg.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled masterpiece. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • richard

      Bill – I use “basename $url” to get the file name then it doesn’t matter if it’s mintcast or mintCast ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Bill_MI

        Hi Richard, I must be missing something. If I had a correct $url I’d just “wget $url”. No need to strip the basename. Where do you get $url?

        • richard

          Bill, right, I do perform a wget $url, but then fiddle things before uploading to my digital audio player e.g. rename to add the date + time so I know the recording order, for other podcasts that have bad file names I rename to something more meaningful (“podcast.mp3” for, for example)… I thought you might be doing something similar but had tripped up on the file name.

          As for where to get $url.. I use the newsbeuter RSS reader, which lets you add ogg/mp3 files to a queue – it’s a basic text file. Once I have a bunch in the Q I run my to “for url in `cat queue` ; do wget $url ; done ” more or less. newsbeuter also has podcast downloading support for the queue, but you have to start each download manually, or start too many in parallel… but I am digressing seriously Off-Topic. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Robert

    I found your podcast to be very interesting. Especially Scott sharing his experience with using open source applications in a corporate environment.

    Keep up the good work.

  5. Bill_MI

    This was a great discussion on those two reports about free and open-source software (FOSS). I think most people can grasp the concept of revenue from support contracts but I like to think of how pure economics will drive it even further. This all assumes an abundance of good FOSS and that critical mass is upon us, right now, in many areas.

    My point is how it will not be economically feasible to re-invent the software wheel when it already exists. Who will have the resources to create a network stack or GUI interface from scratch anymore? It’s already done and ready to be modified to the application. This is particularly true as software systems increase in complexity as fast as they have.

    Sure, the Apples, Oracles and Microsofts of the world sit on a valuable proprietary software base… for now… but where will economics drive this in 10, 20 or 50 years? I see this proprietary base eroding, in time, by pure economics.

    Now… I see 2 big flies in the ointment of this. 1) The totally broken patent system and 2) custom software that’s always needed for unique widgets outside the norm.

    The latter should hang on the longest. Custom software will always be a need and proprietary may stay the norm.

    But the pressure is there to fix the patent system. Can the proprietary software companies win the battle by keeping a critical mass of customers in the dark or will a populist movement eventually prevail? One thing history teaches us is how monopolies tend to fluctuate in dominance.

    Of course, I’m now back to that broken-record saying I use. Someday, people will get it – devices they carry, talk on or drive around is NOT running software in their interest! It’ll happen someday… it’s just a matter of how and when.

    Sorry for the soapbox but you guys know my history. That’ll teach ya for bringing this up again! But thanks so much for all you do.

    Bill In Michigan

  6. Brian36, Dorset, UK

    Thanks Bill-MI. My main concern is about restrictions to the individual user and I love the freedom we get in GPL operating systems. However, I can understand the nervousness of large companies and government organisations in the perceived lack of future support. I worked for a large organisation which used WinNT until it was forced into WinXP because of the withdrawal of support. Such will always delay “upgrading” till the last possible moment. Upgrading to Win8 will also mean buying new hardware, too. Treasure was spent in the development and a profit has to be expected at all costs from the user(s) and competitors. Patents, by definition, will always be restrictive.

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