Episode 44: Ubuntu 10.10

0:00:00 – Intro and updates

SiKing is buying a house

Rothgar testing XenDesktop

NHL season has started


0:09:55 Verizon Wireless bashing

0:14:22 Gloria (Mint 7) EOL – http://www.linuxmint.com/blog/?p=1546

0:18:10 XMarks is being shut down – http://blog.xmarks.com/?p=1886; or maybe not – http://blog.xmarks.com/?p=1945

0:23:21 OpenOffice.org, with help from Red Hat, Novell, Google and others, forks to LibreOffice – http://www.documentfoundation.org/

Main Topic

0:28:00 Ubuntu 10.10 released

0:48:00 Help us make mintCast better

Website of the Week

0:57:35 Linux Counter

More info

Hosts: CharlesRothgarSiKing, Art Vanderhoff
Shared Google Reader: CharlesRothgar
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3 Replies to “Episode 44: Ubuntu 10.10”

  1. Max

    I use your podcast feed for my podcasts episode 44 is in ogg and won’t run on my player. This also happened for episode 40 and a few in the past. Maybe you are not aware of this.

    What happened to your email addresses? I could not find them.

  2. Brian36

    Hi Rothgar and Charles, et al.
    You wanted feedback: PCs – Maxdata3000, Toshiba M40, Zoostorm 10-270 Netbook, etc. I use PCLOS at present as it more fulfills my needs e.g. WiFi connection, and I prefer its rolling updating method. I like to hear the news and was interested in your comments on LibreOffice. I do hope that one version of OpenOffice will continue. gThumbs works for me with Gimp for more detailed work. Audacity is still a pain in Linux, I just can’t get it to record – works fine in Windows XP and Vista so I don’t think it’s the equipment. VLC preferred for DVDs with SMPlayer for audio. It’s all very well that folk say there’s too many options in Linux, but I have to try them all to find one that works. What must Windows users think of this … Sport? I’m a Brit – I don’t understand NFL, I’m a Rugby Union and Rugby League fan. Keep the theme tune. Tutorials? Why not? I liked the CRON talk. It encourages us all to try. Intro chat on buying houses is fine – it’s a problem wherever you are in the world. Finally – I prefer Linux to Windows, mainly because of the frustration of the antivirus and system update hurdles that I have to leap everytime I use Windows – and it’s so slow …
    Keep up the good work. Thanks and take care.

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