Episode 135: Rob’s Return


  • Take the World’s Best Courses, Online, For Free. (coursera.org)
  • The Linux Foundation offers up a solution to the UEFI. (muktware.com)
  • Canonical tries a new method of generating revenue. (zdnet.com)
  • Raspberry PI doubles down on RAM. (zdnet.com)
  • Linus compares hard drives to Satan. (wired.com)

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Hosts:: James, Rob, Scott

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

10 Replies to “Episode 135: Rob’s Return”

  1. Bob

    The RSS feed for the podcast is missing the “enclosure” tag for episode 135, so the mp3 file for the new episode is not appearing in the feed.

    • Rob

      You’re right Bob. Somehow I managed to delete the enclosure as I posted the episode this morning. The odd thing is, my podcatcher grabbed the episode just fine, so I thought all was well. I fixed the posting, but I suspect some folks may see a duplicate download.

      Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. David a/k/a @InfinitelyManic


    The link to Coursera is https://www.coursera.org/.

    Also, I originally signed up for the Compilers course; however, I dropped that class (too intense) and replaced it with the Python course for more practical reasons.

    I plan to incorporate Python’s pyExcelerator module to generate Excel reports with data from a MySQL database within a Ubuntu 12.04 box, among other things.

  3. merelyjim

    “No thanks, I got Linux.” October 26th/

    On October 26th, Windows 8 hits the store shelves.

    I’ve said before that compared to Vista, Windows 8 “doesn’t completely suck.” I stand by that. Am I going to spend $79.99 (US) for a copy? No. Not me, thanks. See, I got Linux…

    It’s hard to express what Linux has done for me. I’ve learned more with Linux than I ever did with Windows. I’ve been part of dynamic communities that have engaged in passionate arguments, clever discussions, and crazy flame wars. Like family, you take the crazy (um… that would be me) with the funny. Instead of just allowing me to ‘try and make things work’ on my own, there were those who tried to nudge me along the right path, even when I didn’t want to see it. I have undying gratitude for those who were willing to share their time and experience with me, even though I never knew them in real life.

    So, on October 26th, 2012, instead of giving Microsoft $79.99 for Windows 8 upgrade, I’m going to donate the same amount to the Linux-distro I use the most.

    I invite you to join me in doing this.

    I don’t really care which distro; we’re all family. If you’d prefer, donate to a specific Open Source project, instead. As long as you give something that lets Paypal, Amazon, of Flattr know that something’s going on that day. If you can’t give monetarily, at least spread the word.

    I want the Linux community to show Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle that we matter, we care for each other, and there are a lot more of us than they think. If you contribute, I hope you’ll e-mail or tweet whomever manufactured your machines so they’ll know you use their hardware running a Linux kernel.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for your support.


  4. t47

    While it is quite popular for people to say that change from Windows to Linux has been a good one, the opposite (Linux -> Windows) isn’t. I wonder why. Perhaps because switching to Windows frees you from the constant google, fix, try-to-do-sth, google, fix…? People simply stop talking about the OS, because it’s no longer in the way?
    I use Linux for many years and I must say that lately I think of going back to Windows (probably 7, because I don’t like the 8’s touchy approach). I’m really tired of having to fix things that should work in the first place. Surely you can get software in linux easily through repositories, but most of it is not worth the time it takes to install it. Options that don’t work are quite common. If it’s not ready then don’t release the damn thing!
    Linux distros today are getting less and less polished. Even (or especially?) Mint, which I used to use from version 6 or 7. It used to work perfectly few years back and now the standard install cannot even play mp4 files on my computer.
    Negative quality change also ‘attacked’ mintcast. At first I liked the new team, but now I must say that you’ve never reached the level set by Charles. It’s still fun to listen to, but it’s not informative at all. Way to long discussions about news, James’ constant “corporations should do this or that” do not lead anywhere. When I used to ask myself if I learnt something new after listening to the Charles’ Mintcast the answer was always yes. As for your version… well – I stopped asking myself long time ago. And I think I’ll stop listening to mintcast soon too.
    Charles replied to email – something you never do.

  5. Sid32

    Hey guys, can you do a show about how to minimize the effect of having to install both nautilus and nemo(or other file manager) on one system?

    Trying to running cinnamon on ubuntu, but find I’m confused about how to set one as the primary. Find that both open up and run depending on shortcuts and such.

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