Episode 117: Linux Mint Maya

Round Of Releases:


  • Southeast LinuxFest 2012 will be held June 8-10 in Charlotte, NC at the Blake Hotel. (southeastlinuxfest.org)
  • Unity/Compiz lags in performance on Intel’s Ivy Bridge. (phoronix.com)
  • Linux smart-phone market share outpaces Windows phone. (forbes.com)

The Main Topic: Linux Mint 13 “Maya”

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

8 Replies to “Episode 117: Linux Mint Maya”

  1. Martin de la Porte

    Solution for installing Linux Mint 13 (when copying files stops during slideshow). I had the same problem, and this solved it for me. You guys probably already figured this out, but just in case…

    Solution by Matt267: (see link below)
    “I removed “ubiquity-slideshow-mint” from the software manager while running from the liveDVD. I clicked “install mint” and the installer started but the slideshow did not. The installer completed and installed mint 13. I’m going to mark this as “solved,” hopefully this works for others”.


    • Rob

      In the process of checking this out. I’ve seen others reporting this as well. The first time I tried this, the installer rolled over and died on a black screen that started out, “BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000140”.



    • Rob

      Good catch! I think we’ve mentioned SolusOS almost every episode since we had Ikey on as a guest. I don’t know how me managed to miss it this time!

  2. Jake

    I have been disappointed in ubuntu for awhile, so I went back to LM. 12 was difficult, but 13 is working well. LMDE has always worked great. I am a LMDE guy also. 6, 8, 10, and 13 are the best versions, not mentioning LMDE.

  3. Nate

    I used Cinnamon in M12 and was very happy. Having MATE and Cinnamon next to each other I found MATE more attractive. MATE is stable and fast. Cinnamon just feels way too slow next to MATE.

    Cinnamon besides feeling much slower, is crashing constantly. It didn’t work at all for the longest time, which was because of a selected applet in default install. Everytime I install an applet it was hit or miss if Cinnamon would crash.

    I have found myself Cinnamon-ing my MATE rather than the other way around. Turn Cinnamon into a theme I’ll be all set.

  4. Steven_TX

    I hate to rain on the Cinnamon and MATE parade, but I’m not sure I’m going to be happy with LM13.

    I HATE start menus. Ever since the Windows 7 RC introduced me to the superbar, I’ve been hooked. With Aero, it completely eradicates the need for a dock. No more task bars filled with tabs for windows that you can’t decipher. No more rifling through window after window with alt+tab. A massive improvement to desktop UI’s everywhere.

    I tried out Cinnamon with LM12 because Gnome Shell with the MGSE was pure crap. So, I tried out LM13 with MATE. The menu is huge for a start menu. When you open it, it looks a lot like the Gnome Shell menu except for the scale. And if the program I want isn’t one of the 6 favorites, I get to click “All Programs”, then a catch-all header, then the program I want.

    So, why not put the favorites somewhere else? Why are the favorites making it harder to get to a program that isn’t a favorite?

    I could put tiny icons next to the menu button. You know, the “quick launch” area. Or, change the menu to be smaller and easier to use by removing the Mint menu additives. But, if I’m going to do that, I might as well just install Windows XP.

    I’m having a hard time understanding why people are willingly subjecting themselves to a menu that inhibits fast access, looks uglier every day, and was introduced to most people by Microsoft. Copying Microsoft doesn’t seem very Linux-y to me. Setting a new desktop standard that’s both easy to use, intuitive, and productive would seem to be a better idea.

    But, I guess people love alt+tab-ing through 30 windows and taking 3-5 mouse clicks with the occasional scroll in order to get to seldom used programs and clicking yet another icon to change desktops instead of having it all in one easy to access place is “productive”.

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