mintCast 360 – Uno Reverse Card
First up, in our Wanderings, Leo flies like an eagle, Joe goes to Florida, Moss is attacked by the trees, Mike wings it.
Then, in the News, a Linux Mint update, Ubuntu too! Wenty-1.04, everyone’s favorite: NFTs, and more.
In Security, meet the new hacking tools, same as the old hacking tools, a reverse Uno card, QNAP, and the University of Minnesota.
mintCast 359.5 – FLoC Blocked
In our Innards section, another stroll down privacy lane
And finally, the feedback and a couple suggestions
mintCast 359 – COSMIC Proportions
First up, in our Wanderings, I get a fresh stream, Joe sends his keystrokes over the air, Josh has a server dilemma, and Mike heads to space.
Then, in the News, we get hypnotized, we look at Apple M1 support again, celebrate a birthday, and look to the stars.
In Security, Skynet.
mintCast 358.5 – Three Finger Swipes
In our Innards section, we cover Gnome 40 and try to keep it RMS-free
And finally, the feedback and a couple suggestions
mintCast 358 – The Ethical Ethos
First up, in our Wanderings, I make a handoff, Joe repairs more stuff, Moss is in the news, Tony Hughes continues the challenge, and Mike the Builder makes a bike.
Then, in the News, Mint sends relief, Ventoy has a birthday, JingPad gets closer, new docs Man up, and AlmaLinux soothes the soul.
In Security, your smartphone is spying on you, Facebook springs another leak, and we disclose our vulnerability.
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