mintCast 245 – Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)




Main Topic: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)

  • Rob tries out Ubuntu 16.04 using Unity.
  • Isaac looks at Lubuntu and Ubuntu MATE 16.04.

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4 Replies to “mintCast 245 – Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)”

  1. dshimer

    Well done on the review. I have been running stock Ubuntu as my only personal box since 8.?? and while I don’t have any real emotional attachment I always feel like your gut reactions start out as “look how silly they are”. Obviously I usually feel like a little of that runs down on me. I have always loved Mint and the dedication to what he wants to do. Ubuntu-Mate looks to me like something that almost stands alone with the amazing things Martin has been doing. I mention these things just to say you really seemed to do a fair and decent recap of the quick impressions you both had. The Ubuntu based choices are all amazing and for all the grief the most negative reviews spout about “nothing new or exciting so they failed again”, I appreciate something (and now many great somethings) just work. I don’t distro-hop or do a lot of testing,I just have about 15 programs for audio, video, images, study, and office that I need to be rock solid every single day. I upgraded from 15.10 to 16.04 and HOORAY, nothing really happened. A little fresher, a little more up to date, some nuts and bolts swapped out and I just rebooted and continued working. That’s not something I’m going to complain about.

  2. Christopher Patrick

    They switched form Ubuntu software center to using the Gnome Software Center as seen in the Ubuntu Release notes under Ubuntu Desktop

  3. DonsEars

    I just spent several days installing Linux on two very different systems. First, I have an older HP server that I want to run some basic networking utilities on. Almost every Linux distro I tried, starting with Ubuntu 16.04, the VGA video card would only output 640×480. They all have graphical installers and they all have “OK” buttons that are outside that small screen size. Fail. Of all the distros I tried only Linux Mint Xfce gave me a usable screen size and installed like a champ. The remote desktop connection to my Windows machine works great so I don’t have to stand in that cold, windy server room.

    The second computer is a new Lenovo Yoga 900 touch screen laptop. It came with Windows 10 Home and I want to dual boot with Linux. I downloaded several Linux live distros to play with. Linux Mint did not recognize the touch screen and a couple of others didn’t see the touch pad requiring me to use a mouse. Ubuntu 16.04 worked right away with everything except recognizing when the computer is rotated or put in tablet mode. One problem with the laptop is the high screen DPI. Virtually everything is so small it is unreadable. Changing the screen resolution to 1600×900 worked and it looks great.

    I’m sure some people will have suggestions on how to get things working by upgrading the kernel, etc. That is fine for people that have the time and want to do that. I just want it to work out of the box.

  4. mikef90000

    The above poster may have run into the same issue I’m having with the Xubuntu 16.04 installer; it does Not like the legacy BIOS in Virtualbox, nor does a clean VB EFI install work consistently. The first symptom is a vertically compressed display image after starting the installer; no options seem to have an effect.
    My workaround is to use the Ubuntu ‘mini’ iso which requires more downloading, but I prefer it for a server or minimal desktop installation with no extra cruft.
    In Xubuntu see the xfpanel-switch package that lets you backup and restore your panel configurations, very handy. Also works on Debian Jessie ….
    Didn’t check out MATE on 16.04 yet but version 1.14 has hit LMDE v2 and it looks very nice. Look at the log for the ton of changes they’ve made: The first round of the X-apps are there also.

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