mintCast 222 – Package Managers


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Main Topic: Package Management



  • Use Avahi to register your computers on your local network. The Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon implements Apple’s Zeroconf architecture (also known as “Rendezvous” or “Bonjour”).

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8 Replies to “mintCast 222 – Package Managers”

  1. Mister Sterling

    Had no idea Scott was a Boston pro sports fan. And Sheffield Steelers…fine choice.

    I moved to New York from Boston in 1995, and clinged to the Red Sox as long as I could. Their Hub-based fans irritated me beyond my breaking point. I haven’t been inside Fenway since 2003, and I have supported the Mets since 2008.

    I chose Newcastle United as my favorite Premier League side in 1993, and I am happy to report that they have given me more pain and suffering than the Red Sox ever did. I know know I don’t want to support winners. I want to support misery.

    • icarter1391

      Looks like the Mets are off to the right start this year. I’m a Nats fan myself so I get to see plenty of the Mets v/s Nats games. Just as long as the Braves or Phillies don’t win the pennant, then I’m happy.

  2. icarter1391

    Really liked info concerning package managers. Listening to this has made me want to finally give Arch a go. Appreciate the guys taking the time to dive into the depths of packing management.

  3. Will

    Nice discussion about package managers. One nice thing about pacman in my experience is that the makepkg utility is really easy to use. I have fiddled around with rpm, deb, and pkg files and pkg files were the only ones that really felt easy to create for me. I think it would have been nice to mention Guix or Nix. For some applications, I have to RHEL and managing packages not in the RHEL repos I find quite messy. I have been wanting to try out Nix for these packages to see if it would work more smoothly.

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