Episode 78: For When You Need Backups

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  • 0:28:20 Backup Solutions

Website of the Week

Tip of the Week

  • This week’s tip allows you to keep to directories synced.
  • rsync -zvr /var/opt/installation/inventory/ /root/temp


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Hosts: Rob, Scott, James, Harrison

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/ The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

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7 Replies to “Episode 78: For When You Need Backups”

  1. Ray Woods

    Hey Guys,
    Do you edit the podcast in Audacity?
    If you do, have a look at Analyze/Silence Finder……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..for all those nasty pauses!

    Great show by the way.

  2. RHTopics

    Another good podcast, I enjoyed listening to it.

    One important aspect of performing backups that was not covered in this podcast,verification.

    Verify the backup is valid after creating it and then periodically reverify the backup.

    Indeed, it produces a sick feeling to realize a backup is unusable when you need to use it.

    Another good idea is to create a second verified copy of a backup, storing it in a different location from the original backup.

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