Episode 432 Show Notes

Welcome to mintCast

the Podcast by the Linux Mint Community for All Users of Linux

This is Episode 432!

This is Episode 432.5!

Recorded on Sunday, March 3, 2024

Enjoying the spring weather im Joe, back in the thick of it, I’m Bill, bad at scheduling, I’m Majid

— Play Standard Intro —

  • First up in the news: KDE MegaRelease 6, No open source HDMI 2.1 driver
  • In security and privacy: New Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities Expose Android and Linux Devices to Hackers,
  • Then in our Wanderings: Bill stops rolling, Joe surprises people by fixing things, Majid needs audio files to become an audiophile
  • In our Innards section:
  • And finally, the feedback and a couple of suggestions

— Play News Transition Bumper —

The News

20 minutes

  • KDE MegaRelease 6 – Majid
    • From KDE.org (via londoner
    • On Wednesday, February 28, KDE announced the formal release of Plasma 6, Frameworks 6 and Gear 24.02. Quote from article: “With Plasma 6, our technology stack has undergone two major upgrades: a transition to the latest version of our application framework, Qt, and a migration to the modern Linux graphics platform, Wayland. We have done our best to ensure that these changes are as smooth and unnoticeable to the users as possible, so when you install this update, you will see the same familiar desktop environment that you know and love. But these under-the-hood upgrades benefit Plasma’s security, efficiency, and performance, and improve support for modern hardware. Thus Plasma delivers an overall more reliable user experience, while paving the way for many more improvements in the future.” “We will continue providing support for the legacy X11 session for users who prefer to stick with it for now.” “With Plasma 6, our technology stack has undergone two major upgrades: a transition to the latest version of our application framework, Qt, and a migration to the modern Linux graphics platform, Wayland. We have done our best to ensure that these changes are as smooth and unnoticeable to the users as possible, so when you install this update, you will see the same familiar desktop environment that you know and love. But these under-the-hood upgrades benefit Plasma’s security, efficiency, and performance, and improve support for modern hardware. Thus Plasma delivers an overall more reliable user experience, while paving the way for many more improvements in the future.” “We will continue providing support for the legacy X11 session for users who prefer to stick with it for now.” “We combined the Overview and Desktop Grid effects into one and massively improved its touchpad gestures.” “Plasma on Wayland now has partial support for High Dynamic Range (HDR). On supported monitors and software, this will provide you with richer and deeper colors for your games, videos, and visual creations.” “To improve Plasma’s accessibility, we added support for color blindness correction filters. This helps with protanopia, deuteranopia or tritanopia.” With Plasma 6, there are several new defaults.

The panel now floats by default

Files and folders are now selected with a single-click and opened with a double-click

Touchpad tap-to-click is enabled by default on Wayland

Wayland is the default graphical session

“Thumbnail Grid” is the new default Task Switcher style

Clicking on the scrollbar track now scrolls to the clicked location

Scrolling on the desktop no longer switches virtual desktops

“Breeze has been overhauled to give it a more modern look and feel, with fewer frames and more consistent spacing.”

  • “The Cube is Back! Two years ago, some major architectural improvements in KWin had forced us to temporarily remove the famous cube effect — but now it’s finally back! This effect is perfect to get a clear visualization of the concept of what multiple desktops are all about… And also to show off to your friends and family how cool Plasma is.” End Quote To read more about these and the many other changes follow the link in the show notes.
  • HDMI Forum to AMD: No, you can’t make an open source HDMI 2.1 driverJoe
    • From Ar Technica (via londoner)
    • Any Linux user trying to send the highest-resolution images to a display at the fastest frame rate is out of luck for the foreseeable future, at least when it comes to an HDMI connection. The licensing group that controls the HDMI standard, the HDMI Forum, has reportedly told AMD that it does not allow an open source implementation of the HDMI 2.1 (or HDMI 2.1+) specification, blocking tools such as AMD’s FreeSync from working over HDMI connections at resolution/rate combinations like 4K at 120 Hz, or 5K at 240 Hz. Linux blog Phoronix noted in January 2021 that the HDMI Forum did not offer public access to the HDMI 2.1 specification. Alex Deucher, an AMD engineer who has long contributed to the company’s open source offerings, has kept a related bug thread alive for at least two years, only to deliver the negative outcome yesterday. In February 2023, Deucher reported that he was “working with our [AMD] legal team to sort out what we can deliver while still complying with our obligations to HDMI Forum.” Two months later, he said that AMD got “the basic functionality up and running, now we have to go through each of the features with legal and determine if/how we can expose them while still meeting our obligations.” Summer and fall of 2023 went by, with legal review still underway, and in October, the decision was “in the hands of the HDMI Forum.” On Wednesday afternoon, Deucher offered the current resolution:
      • The HDMI Forum has rejected our proposal unfortunately. At this time an open source HDMI 2.1 implementation is not possible without running afoul of the HDMI Forum requirements.
      Ars has reached out to the HDMI Forum, AMD, and Deucher for further comment and will update the post with new information. X.org was also reportedly involved in negotiations with the HDMI Forum. Membership in the HDMI Forum is a minimum of $15,000. While AMD is a listed member, that likely doesn’t extend to offering up an implementation of a specification for public use. The member agreement forbidding such things does not appear to be publicly available, nor does an “addendum” for members linked from the Forum’s site. A source code license found on the Forum’s site does not appear to be particularly flexible. Phoronix and some commenters have suggested potential interference from media firms concerned about digital video ripping. That would seem like a barn door closed years after the horse’s departure, but it also exists as one explanation, lacking other detail. This outcome leaves DisplayPort as the likely best option for Linux users needing the best possible output. It also suggests that AMD has to decide whether to implement newer HDMI support inside closed-source Linux drivers or simply point its most demanding customers to other options.
  • LibreOffice 24.2.1 Office Suite Is Out with More Than 100 Bug Fixes – Majid
    • From: 9 To 5 Linux
    • The Document Foundation announced today the general availability of LibreOffice 24.2.1 as the first point release to the latest LibreOffice 24.2 office suite series fixing more than 100 bugs. LibreOffice 24.2.1 is here a month after the launch of the LibreOffice 24.2 office suite, which introduced major changes like a new calendar-based version numbering scheme, new security and accessibility features, as well as improved interoperability with MS Office. In LibreOffice 24.2.1, the Document Foundation fixes a total of 102 bugs across all core components of the office suite to provide those who already upgraded to the latest LibreOffice 24.2 release with improved stability and robustness. Details about these bugs are available in the RC1 and RC2 changelogs. LibreOffice 24.2.1 is available for download right from the official website as binaries for DEB and RPM-based GNU/Linux distributions packaged by The Document Foundation. You will also find the source tarball if you’re a system integrator or you want to compile LibreOffice from sources. Those of you who have LibreOffice 24.2 installed from the software repositories of your GNU/Linux distributions, will have to wait until the 24.2.1 packages arrive there and then perform a normal update of your installations. The LibreOffice 24.2 office suite series will be supported with a total of seven maintenance updates until it reaches its end of supported live on November 30th, 2024. The next point release, LibreOffice 24.2.2, is planned for the end of March 2024. For now, The Document Foundation recommends the LibreOffice 24.2 office suite only to power users and technology enthusiasts. For production systems, they still recommend using the LibreOffice 7.6 series, which was updated last week to LibreOffice 7.6.5. Once again, The Document Foundation reminds us all that this is the “Community” edition of LibreOffice, supported by volunteers. For enterprise-class deployments, The Document Foundation recommends the LibreOffice Enterprise family of applications from ecosystem partners.
  • GParted 1.6 Open-Source Partition Editor Improves exFAT Support and Fixes Bugs – 9to5Linux Bill
    • From: 9 to 5 Linux
    • GParted 1.6 open-source partition editor software has been released today as a maintenance update that addresses several bugs to improve support for various filesystems. Key changes in the GParted 1.6 release include a fix for a crash that occurred when dealing with 0000-0000 exFAT UUID, a change that would stop GParted from forcing 1 MiB gap when moving partition boundary right, as well as the removal of the “Attempt Data Rescue” feature and the use of gpart as it’s no longer needed. This release of GParted also fixes resetting of the missing progress bar text when applying an operation, updates the systemd mount masking and udev rule location, moves AppStream metadata out of the legacy path, and fixes GitLab CI test jobs failures on BlockSpecial unit tests. Starting with this release, GParted now requires C++11 for compilation. The devs also updated the README file to document future Debian/Ubuntu build-time dependencies and did some tidy-ups for file system interface classes. You can study the changelog if you have any questions about the changes included in this update. Meanwhile, you can download GParted 1.6 right now from the official website, where you’ll also find the GParted Live utility if you want to use GParted directly from a bootable flash drive. However, the GParted Live project hasn’t been updated yet to include the GParted 1.6 release, so you’ll have to use an older version instead until the devs update it, which shouldn’t take long. If you’re not in the know, GParted can be used to resize, copy/paste, move, delete, check, and label disk partitions without any data loss, as well as to set new UUIDs. It currently supports EXT2/3/4, Btrfs, XFS, ReiserFS/Reiser4, linux-swap, LVM2 PV, NILFS2, exFAT, FAT16/32, NTFS, HFS/HFS+, UDF, and UFS file systems. More details are available on the official website.
  • Nintendo Sues Yuzu Emulator Developers for Facilitating Switch Piracy – Joe
    • • Nintendo has filed a lawsuit against Tropic Haze, the creators of the popular Yuzu emulator, alleging that the software facilitates piracy of Switch games on a large scale. • The lawsuit argues that Yuzu’s ability to break Switch encryption and decrypt game ROMs violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), even though the emulator itself does not contain the necessary decryption keys. • Nintendo points to the Quickstart Guide provided by Yuzu, which includes instructions on how to hack a Switch to obtain decryption keys and game files, as evidence of the emulator’s role in piracy. • The company also highlights telemetry data showing widespread use of Yuzu for piracy, including the fact that “Tears of the Kingdom” was the most played game on the emulator. • Nintendo argues that there is no lawful way to use Yuzu to play Switch games, as it circumvents the console’s encryption and allows users to play unauthorized copies of games. • However, potential defenses for Yuzu include the ability to run legitimate homebrew games and software, as well as the argument that users may make archival copies of their legally purchased games for personal use. • The lawsuit raises questions about the legality of emulation technology and the balance between copyright protection and user rights, with the outcome potentially impacting the future of emulation software.

— Play Security Transition Bumper —

Security and Privacy

10 minutes

  • New Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities Expose Android and Linux Devices to Hackers
    • The Hacker News (Feb21)
    • Cybersecurity researchers have identified two authentication bypass flaws in open-source Wi-Fi software found in Android, Linux, and ChromeOS devices that could trick users into joining a malicious clone of a legitimate network or allow an attacker to join a trusted network without a password. The vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2023-52160 and CVE-2023-52161, have been discovered following a security evaluation of wpa_supplicant and Intel’s iNet Wireless Daemon (IWD), respectively. The flaws “allow attackers to trick victims into connecting to malicious clones of trusted networks and intercept their traffic, and join otherwise secure networks without needing the password,” Top10VPN said in a new research conducted in collaboration with Mathy Vanhoef, who has previously uncovered Wi-Fi attacks like KRACK, DragonBlood, and TunnelCrack CVE-2023-52161, in particular, permits an adversary to gain unauthorized access to a protected Wi-Fi network, exposing existing users and devices to potential attacks such as malware infections, data theft, and business email compromise (BEC). It impacts IWD versions 2.12 and lower. On the other hand, CVE-2023-52160 affects wpa_supplicant versions 2.10 and prior. It’s also the more pressing of the two flaws owing to the fact that it’s the default software used in Android devices to handle login requests to wireless networks. That said, it only impacts Wi-Fi clients that aren’t properly configured to verify the certificate of the authentication server. CVE-2023-52161, however, affects any network that uses a Linux device as a wireless access point (WAP). Successful exploitation of CVE-2023-52160 banks on the prerequisite that the attacker is in possession of the SSID of a Wi-Fi network to which the victim has previously connected. It also requires the threat actor to be in physical proximity to the victim.
      “One possible such scenario might be where an attacker walks around a company’s building scanning for networks before targeting an employee leaving the office,” the researchers said Major Linux distributions such as Debian (1, 2), Red Hat (1), SUSE (1, 2), and Ubuntu (1, 2) have released advisories for the two flaws. The wpa_supplicant issue has also been addressed in ChromeOS from versions 118 and later, but fixes for Android are yet to be made available.
      “In the meantime, it’s critical, therefore, that Android users manually configure the CA certificate of any saved enterprise networks to prevent the attack,” Top10VPN said.
    • Link to YouTube video

— Play Wanderings Transition Bumper —

Bi-Weekly Wanderings

30 minutes (~5-8 mins each)

  • Bill
    • So for several weeks now, I’ve been on a dedicated run between my home town in Fort Wayne to a customer in Milton, Florida. This was because of a product defect in the copper material coming from my customer going to the major copper cable supplier in Florida. This has kept me from all three of my shows with the exception of last weekend when I had a Saturday off. Majid and I put out what I believe was an excellent episode where we did the usual subject meandering. We did put out an episode of 3 Fat Truckers, though it was an extra episode we recorded back in December to be used for a time when we couldn’t get together for a recording. It was a good Idea, because if not for that extra episode, we wouldn’t have been able to put out a show last week. The customer is caught up now, and I’m back to a somewhat more normal schedule. We’ll see how it goes.
    • After what I believe was less than a month, my little experiment with LMDE, using the Debian “Sid” repository has come to an end. I am back on Mint 21.3, and have made peace with it all. There were some interesting advantages to the unstable version of the OS, though when weighed against some of the “gotchas” they turned out to be superficial at best. With Sid, you have the mostly up-to-date kernel, and a full Pipewire stack, which seemed to work well with my stuff, though if I were being honest – it didn’t offer any advantage over Pulseaudio for my usecases. Given I was still using Cinnamon, which in the case of Mint, comes from their own repo, I didn’t have any newer a desktop stack than anyone using any other version of Mint. I turns out Wayland support isn’t magically further along on Sid than it is normally, which I wasn’t expecting it was. Many of the reasons I wanted Sid centered on the updated software coming directly from the distro maintainers. I now see my thinking was flawed. I now see Sid isn’t necessarily a version to be used in production, rather it’s a way of proving a nearly real-time development pipe for Debian. Some of the problems I ran into were directly a result of third party software just not conforming well on the constantly shifting repo. Wine, for example – that is the version you get from WineHQ doesn’t have a repo for Sid. And installing it from the default repo didn’t work for me either. All this to say: I’m back on Mint 21.3, I’ve made my peace with Flatpak for the software I need up to date versions of such as Audacity, and OBS studio, and I’m a better man for it. Being an Arch user <pause for comedic brake> the temptation to go to a rolling version of Debian was real. I’ve learned there is a difference between a distribution that was made to be consumed as rolling-release, and one that has a rolling version meant for development and testing. Steam is another bit of software that seems to install from the website and run better when using a more stable distribution. Although I have little time for gaming, I find Steam runs well on my system with Mint 21.3. The only problem I seem to be having is that I have to create a custom launcher which simply executes the binary because the installed launch .desktop file seems to crash upon starting. I have no explanation given the default launcher seems to only be set up to launch the binary as well. Nonetheless, I’ve had this strange problem for some time with this machine. With several different video cards.
    • Xbox offers an interesting product called “Cloud Gaming.” I say it’s interesting because the thing seemed to launch about the same time Google killed their “Stadia” project. Xbox’s offering seems to be the same sort of experience except that you have access to games made available with Gamepass Ultimate. I have an academic interest in gaming only in that I am interested in the quality of the experience for Linux users. Strictly for testing purposes, I activated a Gamepass Ultimate account for myself, installed the Flatpak version of the Microsoft Edge browser and decided to take it for a test spin. It was absolutely brilliant. Microsoft bills this project as being “beta” though I ran into absolutely no problems. I tried Halo 5, and Flight Simulator. The latter of those two games required a considerable download of locally stored data, no doubt given the game literally has the entire earth digitally mapped out. You can literally fly a plane into your own house. I found no noticeable lag, and the games responded really well to my Xbox style usb game controller. I recommend this option to anyone who wants to game on Linux. One caveat though is that it does require a solid internet connection.
  • Joe
    • Because of some issues with my current car i have to get another one. the used market is a little bit rough so i am thinking about getting a new one.
    • I looked into getting an electric vehicle but considering the starting price for those i dont think it is a viable option for me. to go along with the issues with batteries and charging that i have mentioned before.
    • I also checked the plug in hybrid market which i find interesting. It can get 30 or 40 miles on the battery and then the generator kicks on and it will have roughly the same range as a normal car. Seems like the best of both worlds but it turns out there are not many of that type of car that is available and they seem to have some pretty serious issues of their own. So i will be looking for a low cost new car and see if i can find something that fits my bill.
    • While i was on vacation i started having an issue with my 3d printer where nothing would stick to the print bed. Seemed likely that the issue was with build plate being dirty so i decided to clean it. It was somewhat difficult to get the caked hairspray and old plastic off and the texture was not really there any more.
    • I also remembered that i had gift cards for microcenter left over from christmas and so i went there to get a couple of things. I ended up getting a PEI sheet and a glass plate in case i did not like the PEI
    • I have to say that it is very nice to print on. The bed level still needs to be pretty dead on but if you allow the plate to cool PLA prints will pop write off. Larger prints i have had to pull off the top metal plate from the magnet and bow the plate but it works like a charm.
    • I understand that there can sometimes be issue getting PETG or ABS to release from the bed but i will be cautious until i see how bad it can be. Plus looking at Amazon i should be able to get plates readily enough
    • I also realized that i will need to stop using metal scrapers with the PEI plate. I probably should not have been using them with the glass plate but it was a little bit more forgiving than the PEI
    • Plus i have had to add a initial bed plate temperature that is a little bit higher in order to allow the heat to evenly distribute across the new plate. This is pretty easy I just set the initial bed temp 5 or 10 degrees higher and allow it to cool back down after it has finished the first layer
    • The new plate did well for the first few prints but after that things were not sticking again. I tried a couple of the fixes listed online but IPA did not do much and neither did windex. But washing in hot soapy water did and I was back up and running pretty quick.
    • I have printed a couple of things. A couple of pill holders with a sliding top that I was using as quick test prints, A couple of larger slide out drawers for spices in my cupboard and an adapter for a controller that I picked up so that I could put my phone on it. I also had to reprint some of my adapters for the camera mount that I use with my 3d printer and octoprint as the old ones were falling apart. While I was at it I drilled a hole in the camera base so I could more properly mount it using a ¼ inch bolt. It has worked very well and I am happy with the finished product.
    • Speaking of, I picked up a stadia founders edition controller for a really good price and did the firmware upgrade so that you can use it as a bluetooth controller. It is nice and smooth and I have not noticed any latency from it so far.
    • Also at microcenter i finally got an enclosure for my 3d printer. Yes it is one of the soft ones but it will do the job and allow me to start printing with ABS again. I have some that i have had stored for a while now and while i did have them properly sealed and surrounded in desiccant i want to see how well they held up. Maybe i can get rid of some of the packaging.
    • I should also be able to print some things that are a little bit more temperature stable and may be safe to use in a car without melting?
    • I am still using DEX on a pretty regular basis at the office and using the dual screen mode to go along with the screen on the phone. Just have to change the settings so that you can move the mouse from one screen to the other and that works pretty well.
    • I fixed the system76 Kudu3 17inch laptop that moss sent me with the dodgy hinge. I think I worked on it right after last show. The laptop screws came right out and the only issue was all the ribbon cables under the keyboard. I was not able to get to them but I was able to shift the keyboard out of the way and remove the hinge. I cleaned and oiled it but it was still giving a problem so I loosened the nut at the end to make it move more freely and that worked. The next problem was the mounting holes for the screws to the monitor bezel had come loose so I glued them back into place with some super glue and I had to find replacements for some of the screws that had worked themselves loose and disappeared. Some of the plastic is irreparably broken but overall it looks nice and works. It may not be as tight as it was but it is holding together and the screen stands up when open.
    • While doing this I noticed that the aerial for the wifi was snapped at the hinge due to all the extra movement from the seized hinge and broken plastic. It should have been an easy fix with the soldering iron but with the location and the all the parts I was not able to remove it became a bit of a juggling act to resolder, heat shrink wrap and get into place. But I was able to do it and get it back into the channel without any damage to the surrounding plastic.
    • Now that it is fixed it will be going back to Moss as soon as possible.
    • Last show I also talked about my nextcloud backup on the onegx. It was sitting on a 512 gb microsd card but that died after I restarted the copy of the nextcloud onto it. I guess moving that much data that quickly turned out to be a problem for it and now I am thinking a may go for an ngff drive as they are about the same price as the microsd and are much more stable.
  • Majid
    • I havent scheduled my week very well. Worked last weekend, covered for the junior doctor strikes on monday, did extra shifts on thursday an saturday, so I’m beat! Thankfully the coming week is a bit quieter. Sometimes just need days off to mentally recover more then physically.
    • So after discussing about my potential distro-hop away from Manjaro last time, I bit the bullet and am now on Mint 21.3 Edge ISO. Went for that for its newer kernel. Its working well, as I mentioned on last weeks OTC, I think its the MacOS of Linux. Generally just works. Does mean its not the most exciting release though and all though they made a big deal of better touchscreen and touchpad support, it isnt the best. I did however use some of the tweaks that IG mentioned in an interview (different font, scaling etc) and it does make the whole thing look nicer. Battery life is still a bit to be desired. Need to make some of the tweaks we talked about on mintcast a few months ago. I’ve already had my eye on KDE 6 which is available in KDE Neon so may jump ship there next.
    • Try as I might though,I can never seem to get my NHS email to work in a desktop linux client. Evolution does have an EWS plug in,but its temperamental. So sticking with the Web App (outlook) for the time being. I suppose I could try WINE and outlook, but that seems too much faff.
    • My audio adventures continue. After looking into different Bluetooth codecs, I belatedly realised that wired headphones through an audio jack would give better audio then whatever hi-res audio codec I go for. I decided to go for some wired IEMs and a DAC (as of course a 3.5mm jack is a rarety in phones these days). After getting a combo from amazon for about 50 quid, I then realized that itd make no difference if I just streamed from Spotify (or Spottube), and so went about getting some FLAC files and CD Rips (like a neanderthal). The result, yes they are better, but the difference is marginal to my ears, as ive mentioned before, I don’t have the best hearing anyway, so maybe the incremental improvements are wasted on me, I do wonder though if maybe I shouldve got a better DAC. I am again reminded of the convenience of the the true wireless earbud though, and if I get a good deal, may go for some sennhieser ones.
    • A bit about Spottube. Its an open-source client for spotify that doesn’t use electron (apparently). A way of getting spotify premium, without paying and via youtube music. Kinda like Newpipe.
    • Ive started experimenting a bit with GoodLock on my S24 Ultra. Some nifty customisations, a bit mind boggling to be honest.
    • Finished Kin on BBC iPlayer. Good, but a bit predictable. After completing the recent True Detective, I had an urge to watch the first (the best) season, which I have done so with my son now that hes old enough to watch it. (it came out 10 years ago, how time flies). Also restarted Umbrella Academy season 3, I had stopped watching when I heard they cancelled it, but now its coming for a final season, so may as well check it out.
    • Wanted to check out the hype and have started The Night Agent on Netflix. Its ok, also predictable and unrealistic, but good for switching my brain off. Off to watch Dune 2 in a few days time, really excited for that. Came across a movie called Nefarious om Prime. Interesting premise, I’m a big fan of The Devils Advocate from the 90s. And this seems to be in a similar vein.
    • Ive been asked by one of the islamic centres to start a podcast on the history of the organization. So I may be launching another podcast, God knows when I’ll time for that though.

— Play Innards Transition Bumper —

Linux Innards

30 minutes (~5-8 minutes each)

  • Bill
    • This week we’re going to discuss audio editing. We’ll be focusing on the software we use, some of the filters we use and some tips and tricks to get the most out of a recording.

— Play Vibrations Transition Bumper —

Vibrations from the Ether

20 minutes (~5 minutes each)

  • Email from Colin White on February 14
  • “Episode 430 thoughts”

Hi all,

I last wrote to you in May 2021 and got an on air mention which was a buzz.

I must admit to being a little bit sad to hear of the hoops you collectively went through re-platforming.

I can recall the funding of MintCast being mentioned a couple of times in the past but nothing ever came of it, but after hearing this episode it is probably time for you to have some sort of voluntary funding stream from the listeners.

I already use the Go fund Me, ko-fi and Patreon platforms and would be quite happy to send donations your way whichever platform you might choose. The motor club I’m in uses PayPal (friends and family £12 PA).

You all freely give the community your time and effort, something I wouldn’t do, and I don’t think you should carry the financial burden alone.

Colin White

  • Charles Griffey
  • Hi Joe,

    If it were me, I would fix the valve cover leak and not do anything with
    the pan leak.  The valve cover because the leaking oil stinks.  The pan
    leak costs too much.  You can buy a lot of oil and not make a dent in
    the repair costs.



— Play Check This Transition Bumper —

Check This Out

10 minutes

Housekeeping & Announcements

  • Thank you for listening to this episode of mintCast!
  • If you see something that you’d like to hear about, tell us!

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Before we leave, we want to make sure to acknowledge some of the people who make mintCast possible:

  • Someone for our audio editing
  • Archive.org for hosting our audio files
  • Hobstar for our logo, initrd for the animated Discord logo
  • Londoner for our time syncs and various other contributions
  • Bill Houser for hosting the server which runs our website, website maintenance, and the NextCloud server on which we host our show notes and raw audio
  • The Linux Mint development team for the fine distro we love to talk about <Thanks, Clem … and co!>

— Play Closing Music and Standard Outro —

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