Episode 115: The Return of James_OK



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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

10 Replies to “Episode 115: The Return of James_OK”

  1. Bill_MI

    I’m sure you’ve heard of “distro hoppers”? Well, I’m the opposite. I like to tweak an environment and stay awhile and look around other distros with secondary installs and VMs. Currently, my home remains Ubuntu 10.04 which has been one of my favorite LTS’s to date.

    Now, for any other non-distro-hoppers that might be interested, there’s good news for the upcoming Mint 13 LTS. Like Ubuntu 12.04, Mint 13 will be a 5 year LTS for the desktop. This was new for Ubuntu and I’m delighted Mint followed suit.

    I will admit the 3 year LTS has been more like a 2 year LTS since they come out every 2 years. This is really about right for me. The newer stuff takes about 2 years to get out of date to the point it’s time to refresh. This new 5 year LTS may be a little long, but, time will tell.

    I’d like to hear what you guys think but I’m not sure you’re really the “LTS types”. 🙂

  2. Skinnx86

    Sorry guy but the link to the Debian handbook is not working and say’s “It seems you have tried to access a page on the LWN.net site that does not exist”

    • Rob

      Yup, that’s the one. I’m amazed at how far the project has come since I last looked at it! I wonder if it will run DDO…hmm.

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