Episode 111: Home Alone


  • The expanding need to protect innovation in Linux. (zdnet.com)
  • Say Goodbye to Ubuntu Linux 10.10 ‘Maverick Meerkat’ (and LM 10 Julia). (pcworld.com)
  • Linux Mint Debian 201204 RC (MATE/Cinnamon & Xfce) released! (linuxmint.com)

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Credits: Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco (podcastthemes.com). The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

9 Replies to “Episode 111: Home Alone”

  1. paulm

    Hi again from Malta,
    For info. I upgrade my LMDE to pack4 it updated with no problems. Now running MATE 1.2 (with is great) and using Kernel 3.3.0.trunk-686-pae from Debian experimental.

    Identically also I still use Ubuntu LTS but have hacked it about a bit to update it, the kernel is 3.3.2 stable-pae.

    After listening to your pod-cast I installed SolusOS rc2,
    then upgraded rc3 when it came out, with no problems. Its a wow! OS, and now I’ve have now introduced it to our Malta Linux Group.

    Thanks Rob,

  2. Sid32

    Good job Rob!!

    ps. Prezi runs fine for me, creates more then a couple in linux(Mint/Ubuntu) over the last couple of years and then ran in class on xp.

    Its an online tool and as long as you have a current browser you will be fine. Once you are done you can download your prezi to disk and run it from there.

  3. ibm450

    great work mate on the podcast.

    is there any way of fixing the bluetooth issues with LMDE and SolusOS regarding sending from mobile phone to laptop and vise versa?

    for the life of me im unable to get “personal file sharing” to work in the bluetooth preferances although ive installed every OBEX services and reinstalled all bluetooth services and nothing seems to work (neither in LMDE nor in SolusOS?)

    bluetooth works a charm in mint10, mintKDE12 and win7 with my andriod phone (motorola atrix)…

    • Beardy Jesse

      I don’t run LMDE but I’ve always found blueman to be a brilliant addition to any linux distro for managing my bluetooth headphones and mouse. It may, or may not, help.

      $ sudo apt-get install blueman

  4. Beardy Jesse

    Hi Rob, great work on the podcast, it must have been very difficult to do it on your own but you managed it very well, congrats.

    The point I wanted to make in this post was following the news announcement on the linux Mint website where it talks about partnerships – the one with compulab sounds interesting, but I’m not so happy with the announcement that Yahoo will be the default search engine on LMDE, and possibly Mint 13. While I didn’t like using Duck Duck Go as the results page seemed cluttered and confusing in comparison to Google, I understood and agreed with their reasons to use it. However I don’t feel the same can be said for a money driven big corporation like Yahoo – especially when you look at the DDC website and it’s slogan is “Monetize. Develop. Profit.” – as this doesn’t seem to gel with the linux and open source philosophy. I hope that Clem and the Mint team select the best search provider based on variables other than just the bottom line profit.

    I hope you are able to read more into this than I have, and in doing so alleviate my fears that the Mint team are becoming over focussed on profit rather than their end product.

    Regards to you all,


    • JamesC

      I have to disagree with a couple of issues you bring up. The Mint team as I see it is trying to capitalize in such a way as to not segregate their user base. They are providing search engines that pay them yes, but they are also providing a choice in the matter. Instead of only offering Yahoo! as the default and only search engine in LMDE and Mint 13 they are offering it alongside the other search engines that they are profiting from as well. If you don’t like Yahoo! change to Duck Duck Go or vice versa. By profiting from their partnerships, the Mint team is able to hire more full-time developers that are able to work on their end products. With the small number of developers they have now look at what they’ve accomplished. They have engineered MGSE and more recently Cinnamon, while still providing updates to LMDE, sparse as they may be, as well as the alternative DE of Linux Mint.

      So by my standards I think Clem and team are just trying to pay for excellence.

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