Episode 82: Breaking into Education

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Hosts: Rob, Scott, James, Harrison

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Podcast Entry and exit music provided by Mark Blasco. http://www.podcastthemes.com/ The podcast’s bumpers were provided by Oscar.

6 Replies to “Episode 82: Breaking into Education”

  1. MycroftMkIV

    Big news for you: yes, there are more than 2 Linux users in the Coeur d’Alene area. We have our own user group (http://nilug.org/) and we have two meetings a month and lots of users. I personally use Linux Mint, having left Ubuntu in disgust (just like I left SUSE, Mandrake and Mepis).

    Many companies in this area use Linux, including the company at which I am a Java programmer. Our product runs on Debian. It used to be on a Dell rack mount server, but it now runs in a VM on any 64-bit machine.

    I have been using Linux since I first got a copy of Yggdrasil in 1994. I really appreciate the advances made and I will never go back to that other proprietary, buggy O/S.

    Keep up the good work on the podcast.

    Hayden Lake, ID

    • Scott

      That’s awesome Mike. I knew there had to be some Linux users in the CdA area. I think I am going to have to make it over there for a gathering one of these months.

  2. Egil Bjarkö

    Hi James, Scott and Rob and all Mintcurious users out there

    Ihave been listening to great podcast show for a couple of weeks now and I reaaly like it a lot.

    I live in Stockholm, Sweden and am working as an Network Technician daytime and as a newspaper carrier at night. When I run in stairs at night I love to listen to audiobooks and pods.
    I just recently discovered the Linux Pod Universe and have been listening to Mint Cast, Going Linux, Linux Outlaws and The UK LOCO Ubuntu Podcast.

    It is fascinating how much community activity there is in North America compared to the sparce activity I have seen in Sweden. I have found no Swedish Pod Casts at all with a Linux bias.

    My interest in Linux have grown for around ten years to a level where only want to use Linux, at least privately.
    I have mostly been using Debian based distros, Ubuntu earlier, but since Unity primary Mint. I still keep testing new distros. Still I would like to run Debian, which has not been hard to install and run, but I keep getting back to Mint where Adobe flash and more hardware drivers are already installed.
    Mepis is another nice and very stable distribution which is based on Debians stable versions, is very easy to install and run and has Adobe flash and immediately recognizes my hardware in my Dell and HP laptops.

    I have just made a comparison between Linux Mint 11 and the lastest spin of Linux Mint Debian that was relased today.

    I installed the new spin of LMDE on a HP 6910p laptop and Linux Mint 11 on an identical laptop.
    I made a couple of sceencasts illustrating the differences in the installation procedure and which even illustrates the automatic detection of propriotary drivers in Mint 11 that can be downloaded from the internet. This feature and the more complicated partintioning procedure in LMDE of course makes Mint 11 more convenient for new users, but are acctually quite easy to overcome by reading in the documantation or the forums for Linux Mint or Debian.

    I then made a few simple speed tests that of course are not much to rely on.

    Starting Firefox went more than twice as fast on the LMDE laptop and even browsing to the default Mint shortcuts on the Bookmarks bar went remarkable faster on the LMDE laptop in my opinion.

    Apart from that I must say that the diffences seem small on the surface. I would assume that the Mint Developer Team has done a lot of work on the Debian edition with adding more propriotary drivers, adding Adobe Flash, adding the Mint Theme with additional fonts and of course the Mint Menu and the other Mint Tools. LMDE is a reaaly good choice if you would like to get closer to Debian and are having issuses with Ubuntus approach.

    The Mint Team with their proffesionalism, the openness and wiilingness to listen to their users is very appealing to me, and even to lots of others, it seems by the distributions popularity.

    Best regards,


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